Header Animation

Here's a cropping from an animated email header that I made. Fun!

French Press Brewing Instructions

This year, for Christmas, I gave my Mom a french press coffee maker and designed a little instruction sheet that she can keep around to remind her of the actions and order of the process. Also it looks pretty cool.


Face Parts

A button series that I made. They work as stand-alone buttons, but can also be used as a modular set of face parts to create a wacky face of your design.

Illustration Series

The first of a possible illustration series showing the convergence of child and adult perspectives. Tried it a few ways, but ended up settling on watercolor for now.

Halloween Costumes

Amanda and I just finished working on our Halloween costumes for this year, and they look pretty neat! I designed a logo and Amanda cut it out into a stencil and painted it onto a couple t-shirts. I also made a few badges, thanks to my nifty new button press, highlighting a few of our camp accomplishments.

Back To School Vignette

This is a teacher's desk themed display that I styled, lit and photographed a little while ago. This stuff is pretty darn fun!

Faces 2 (work in progress)

Here's an addition to the faces work in progress I posted about a little while ago, still messing around with it.

Seating Vignette

Here's a little scene I styled and shot today.

Dwellings: Issue No. 11

We just posted the latest Dwellings blog issue on Furnish Green's website. I took and edited the photos for the project.

Faces (work in progress)

Just started working on a fun little faces project. Still refining the look and working out what the culmination of this design folly will be.


A little illustration for a 26th birthday card.


3s & 4s

Some numbers I was working on for a personal project.

Culinary Badges

These are a few badges I designed for my brother to commend him on graduating culinary school. Great job, Nick!

How To Read Flipbook

A little while ago I made a silly little flipbook. Here's a gif conveying the message.

Baby Shower Invite Map

This is a map I made for a baby shower invite a while ago. The map highlights different locations that held significance for the parents and displays an icon indicative of the place.

Gift Certificates

I just recently finished some gift certificates for Furnish Green. There are three variations to suit the customers needs.